360 degree cloud technologies pvt. ltd.


  • Flag_of_the_United_States


    +1 309 316 7929
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    +44 789 703 1106
  • Flag_of_Australia_converted


    +61 4800 94870
360 degree cloud technologies pvt. ltd.
Group 47


10,000 Email Verifications

@ 100 verifications/ USD


25,000 Email Verifications

@ 166 verifications/ USD


50,000 Email Verifications

@ 200 verifications/ USD


100,000 Email Verifications
@ 250 verifications/ USD


500,000 Email Verifications
@ 333 verifications/ USD
Group 48


1,000,000 Email Verifications
@ 400 verifications/ USD


2,000,000 Email Verifications
@ 500 verifications/ USD
Group 49


5,000,000 Email Verifications
@ 666 verifications/ USD

**** 2hrs of free support/10000 Email Verifications, $100/hr thereafter

Self-service Top-ups.

No subscriptions to manage.
No contract renewals. Just easy self-service.

App license is charged separately
at a base price of @250 USD/ Org/ year.

Credits purchased in any pay-as-you-go rechargedo not expire as long as the app is active on the Org.

Group 50

Commonly Asked Questions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Want help with increasing email deliverability forever with 99% data hygiene in Salesforce?

You’re in ‘Hygienic’ Company.

Salesforce and Marketing heads globally depend on 360 Verify The Email for a pristine Salesforce Database and data hygiene.

These text marketers👉
swear by Verify The Email
for validating email and
increasing email delivery

g 1

“I was facing deliverability issues but the app helped reduce email bounce and verify email lists in real-time or just a few clicks”

Max Kobb

g 1

“Our team calls and sends text. Verifying mobile numbers saved massively on SMS credits and dial-time.”

Sales Head, US-based insurance firm