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360 degree cloud technologies pvt. ltd.

How Salesforce Customization Can Future-Proof Your Financial Services Firm

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With the growing digitization, the changes in customer expectations and marketing trends are becoming inevitable. Customers these days expect personalized engagement and assistance to get exactly what they have been looking for, be it while buying any product or getting financial services. That’s where Salesforce customization can help financial services firms enable personalization in their services and engagement. 

It’s quite easy to find standard solutions for businesses but these can only help to a limited extent. As a financial services firm grows, it expects a solution that works well with changing operations and trends. Having a custom Salesforce solution can help the firm with this.

Salesforce Custom Development to Improve Your Financial Services Operations

It’s a known fact that standard solutions can be good to work with for some time, but later, every financial services institution would expect to have customized features that could relate with the business. 

So, let’s dig into some points that show the importance of Salesforce custom development for financial services firms.

1. Conduct meaningful client engagement

It’s pretty normal for customers these days to expect timely answers to their queries and suggestions. Making them wait longer just means losing the client to some other service. The same is true with the financial sector. 

Working with a Salesforce solution can help financial services maintain a consistent engagement with customers. It helps to maintain a detailed customer profile that would help the team to communicate closely with them while having all the needed details handy. This will help to eliminate silos and create an efficient outreach experience for customers.

2. Achieve industry-specific customization

Salesforce customization allows tailoring your CRM for success. You’ll be able to work with a solution finely crafted for the nuances of the financial services industry. 

The team will be able to elevate their operations with custom workflows and industry-specific data models designed to drive efficiency and innovation. Having a tailored solution with Salesforce customization services will unlock a world of specialized offerings tailored to your banking and financial institution needs.

3. Work with an integrated system

With a custom Salesforce solution, you’ll be able to work with its robust integration capabilities. This will enable banks and other financial services institutions to effortlessly integrate Salesforce Financial Services Cloud with their existing software infrastructure.

This way, they can integrate their CRM with other systems, including core banking systems, accounting software, and various data sources. This seamless connectivity ensures a cohesive ecosystem that optimizes efficiency and enhances productivity across the board.

4. Access advanced analytics

Customizing your Salesforce solution will enable you to work with advanced analytics and AI-backed features. Working with a custom solution will enable you to access Salesforce Einstein’s AI capabilities through which your bank can harness predictive analytics and machine learning to gain invaluable customer insights, deliver personalized recommendations, and streamline decision-making processes.

5. Track leads efficiently

Despite the complicated operations and workflows in the financial services sector, there’s no way you can afford to miss out on any incoming leads. Thus, there’s always a need to track leads and references. Using a custom solution over Salesforce Financial Services Cloud can help consultants and also commercial bankers track all references. 

6. Focus on continuous innovation

It is difficult to ensure scalability when you’re working with a standard solution. But that’s not the case with a customized solution. As Salesforce is continuously evolving, you need to ensure that the solution remains scalable for your growing financial services firm. A custom solution will stay scalable and flexible for your growing firm, ensuring that your financial operations go on smoothly.

What We Did for Our Client

We helped one of our clients to manage its financial operations. The client was a major player in the Event Management sector, having its operations spread all over the world. 

Challenges they faced

When the client first implemented Salesforce, a credit card processor was created internally due to the lack of an equivalent payment processor. Although it was a stop-gap solution to take payments, it left the team with fragmented processes. 

This meant critical payment and purchase data were living outside of their Salesforce Org in places unrelated to the customer’s Salesforce records. 

Here are some of the major pain points faced by the client’s firm for which they needed help:

– Difficult to handle multiple payments coming from multiple payment gateways. 

– Multiple payment gateways resulted in higher costs. 

– Challenges in tracking activities from multiple channels like monthly pay memberships, processing fees, and transaction costs. 

– High-risk to cardholder data. 

– Manually uploading transactions into Salesforce.

How we helped 

Based on our rich expertise in Salesforce payment gateway encryption and securely authorized credit card transactions, we suggested that our client develop a reputation for being easy to use and cost-effective and provide numerous ways to take payments and manage transactions easily. 

– Reduced multiple payment gateways to just one and enabled payment collection directly through your website. 

– We enabled invoices for clients with simple click-to-pay emails and enabled remitting payments safely via credit card. 

– We also enabled review-pane billing details for the account, which displayed invoices and payment history.

– We enabled updates for billing contact details and the addition of and updates to credit cards for automatic payments while eliminating developer dependency. 

Reported outcomes

Here’s what we helped our client achieve:

– Fewer customers were lost at checkout through easier navigation.

– Simplified Revenue tracking and reporting for compliance and decision support.

– Reduced developer dependency for information management and updates.

– Streamlined, unified invoicing and collections for all payment types and currency.

– Reliable credit card authentication for promotional offers, subscriptions, and payments.

Go for Salesforce Custom Development and Be Ready for the Future

For a financial services firm, it is very important to be future-ready when it comes to managing their operations and meeting changing clients’ expectations. A standard solution can be an option to manage the present operations but doesn’t prepare the team for the next level. Customizing the solution with Salesforce customization services is the key to aligning the business goals with the CRM and transforming operations with the changing patterns. 

If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, contact us to get your current workflows evaluated and achieve a customized Salesforce solution to get you ready for the long term. 

Siddharth Sehgal


Siddharth Sehgal is CEO & Salesforce Communication Guru. He helps businesses grow exponentially by putting their Salesforce CRM on steroids with his unique techniques. He is on a mission to help businesses build deeper relationships with their customers.

Quiz Time

Which of these is a key consideration for financial services firms?

a). Improve marketing campaigns

b). Provide personalized financial offers to customers

c). Self-service features

d). None of the above

Show Answer: b) Provide personalized financial offers to customers


Financial Services Cloud is specifically tailored to the unique needs and requirements of the financial services sector, offering customized solutions, workflows, and data models designed to address industry-specific challenges.

The platform provides a comprehensive view of each client, consolidating data from various sources into a single platform. This allows financial institutions to gain deeper insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and financial needs, enabling more personalized interactions and tailored solutions.

Every organization has unique business processes, requirements, and workflows. Customizing Salesforce allows businesses to tailor the platform to their specific needs, ensuring that it aligns perfectly with their operations and objectives.

Customization also enables organizations to streamline processes, automate repetitive tasks, and eliminate unnecessary steps. This results in increased productivity, reduced manual errors, and faster turnaround times for key activities.

Salesforce customization
salesforce customization services