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CIOs, Transform your Overall IT Strategy with a Professional Salesforce Integration Partner

Professional Salesforce Integration Partner
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The Chief Information Officer or the CIO of any company always remains keen to bring new technologies to ensure effective data management. It is crucial for companies working in the IT sector to meet their clients’ expectations when delivering a suitable product. And to achieve that and sustain such a level of competitive advantage, companies are actively working on adopting new technologies that could help shorten the product development life cycles and enhance customer support. With this approach, many organizations have taken help from a professional Salesforce integration partner that could help them leverage the power of CRM.

According to the State of the Connected Customer in 2016 by Salesforce, more than half of the customers surveyed said the recent technology had changed their expectations of how companies should engage with them. The numbers clearly state that it’s time for companies to improve their IT strategy to improve operations and enhance customer engagement. 

Before you think of the IT strategy, the key element behind it that needs much focus is the data maintained by the organization. What a company needs is the ability to have better control over the customer records along with getting the ease to access them quickly whenever needed. 

With the growing technologies and customer demands, there are many challenges that companies these days are facing, such as:

1. Tailoring efficient roadmaps for companies for their application architecture.

2. To decipher and acquire just the right set of data needed from the huge data records.

3. Reaching the current B2B demands.

4. Providing recommendations on the best practices that customers can follow.

5. Identify issues in the businesses and conceptualize suitable IT solutions for them.

6. Coming up with suitable recovery plans when needed.

All these issues can be challenging to handle when the team doesn’t have the right technology support. That’s where having Salesforce CRM integration with other third-party applications would bring all the data together to make faster decisions and build better solutions.

How a Professional Salesforce Integration Partner Can Help to Boost the IT Strategy

Companies working in the IT sector have a lot to handle, whether it is developing solutions to designing websites. The more work team would be handling, the more will be applications that they had been using to streamline that work. 

Although applications would be implemented with the idea of reducing manual work, the time involved in switching between those applications to find the right information can be frustrating too. 

This is where having professional Salesforce integration partners can make a real difference for the team, enabling them to integrate all applications with Salesforce and access all information with their CRM only. 

Let’s go a little deeper and understand how Salesforce integration can help enhance the overall IT strategy for companies while adding to productivity.

Enable Personalized Marketing

When marketers at firms want to get top of their marketing game, they need to have good control over the customer records through which they can personalize their marketing campaigns. That’s something Salesforce integration services make possible by bringing all applications together to get a common view within Salesforce. It would provide teams with a 360-degree view of customers to run campaigns that could meet the expectations and requirements of different audience segments.

Boost Digital Transformation

When discussing digital transformation, we need to prepare the company for future opportunities and keep working on its expansion. Integrating Salesforce with other systems would help to automate processes and business models for the company, thus enabling the team to access features like lead assignment, forecasting, invoicing, and quoting. Not only this, but you can also leverage platforms like Pardot, Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and other Salesforce-powered project management features to accelerate the digital journey of the firm.

Enhance Collaboration

When teams have access to all information on a centralized platform, it becomes easier for teams to stay updated on customer records. It even enables them to share files with each other or transfer cases or projects while easily catching hold of the complete customer journey so far. This makes it easier for everyone to stay on the same page when interacting with customers and delivering the expected solution.

Access Next-Gen Analytics

Salesforce integration would help teams get all the data in one place, making it easier to use Einstein Analytics to get real-time insights from that data. This would give the company the ability to understand customer expectations and requirements through which they can work on enhancing customer experience and reaching their satisfaction. Einstein Analytics would also be a great help to developers who can use the best insights and forecasting to build future-proof applications. 

Get a Professional Salesforce Integration Partner to Boost Your IT Strategy

As a flourishing business in the high-tech sector, there’s no way you can afford to miss out on advanced technologies that have the power to take your productivity and operations to the next level. But as productivity is essential, so is the customer relationship. Salesforce is the CRM that would help you grow in both these aspects.

When you plan on moving ahead with Salesforce integration, your next move should be to get a Salesforce integration consulting team that can be trusted with your business and data. That’s the kind of trust you can get with our certified Salesforce professionals. Contact us to learn about the different Salesforce integrations we’ve successfully performed for different industry verticals.

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Salesforce professionals