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Integrating Salesforce with Accounting Solutions

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With work from home becoming the new normal, companies are leveraging cloud-based technologies to make it easier for teams to access information from multiple devices. And organizations that are already ahead of the curve are integrating Salesforce with accounting tools and applications to get a single view of the information. 

Salesforce integration supports teams with easy accessibility to information, quick collaboration, and better account planning that helps to streamline workflows. Hiring Salesforce integration services is the most common way adopted by companies to integrate their in-house accounting tools with Salesforce and simplify data access while avoiding data duplication. 

Benefits of Integrating Salesforce with Accounting Tools

Salesforce and accounting integration can bring along various benefits. Some of these are mentioned below.

  • Create automated sales invoices
  • Automate workflow for new customer registration
  • Real-time and automated sales report generation
  • Track and manage customer purchase history to facilitate up-selling and cross-selling opportunities
  • Get real-time updates on the most selling products
  • Conduct event-driven synchronization of the customer journey

These are just a few benefits along with increased customer support agent productivity and delivering enhanced customer experience. 

Considerations While Integrating Salesforce with Accounting Solutions

When you have made up your mind to integrate your accounting tools and applications with Salesforce, there are certain aspects that you need to consider. Here are some of these considerations. 

1, Know the Purpose

Your Salesforce integration will only be worth it when you know the real purpose behind it. You need to define the use cases and should also understand the capabilities of the tools you need to get integrated with Salesforce. 

2. Clean the Data

You should know that not all data that you have collected is going to be useful. Any bad data will affect the integration process and its efficiency. Thus, it is important to clean data so you only need to migrate the data that is useful for your business. You can call it labeling the data according to the requirements of the tool that is going to be integrated with Salesforce. 

3. Organizing the Data Structure

It is possible that the data structure of the accounting tool you use can be different from the structure of Salesforce. This makes it imperative to verify that both the data structures are the same before you begin integration and synchronization.

4. Choose Between Static Schema and Custom Objects

When you have to work with dynamic data, you will need custom objects by Salesforce. But for predefined objects and fields, you have to consider using static schema. Custom objects can help you work with complex workflows, but for many companies static schema can be financially fit. Choose between these before getting started with integration. 

Hire the Best Team for Integrating Salesforce with Accounting Tools

Save your team from switching between multiple accounting solutions to find relevant information to manage workflows. Integrate your accounting solutions with Salesforce and get a centralized view of information. 

Bring your accounting systems together in a unified solution. Talk to our certified Salesforce developers to help you improve your accounting workflows. 

Salesforce integration