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360 degree cloud technologies pvt. ltd.

Top 5 Things which can’t be done by your CRM

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Salesforce is undoubted, the greatest CRM mankind could ever get. Today, the majority of the businesses are already making the most out of the Salesforce CRM to make huge profits in their business. There is no denying the fact that most of them have already made huge bucks from the same, but as we are also aware of the fact that like every coin has 2 sides, every CRM too has another side which not so many people are aware of. Yes, there are certain areas where CRM can provide you with a helping hand but there are a few other things too which your CRM can’t help you with. Wish to know more about the same?

The following-mentioned are a few things your CRM cannot do:

  1. Managing your Revenue- Some people think that if they are using CRM to monitor the revenue process or its pipeline, they can also manage the same through it only which is of course, not true. You can manage your team handling revenue but not directly revenue itself. It is a tough task to do, especially only with the help of a CRM. Instead, you can easily pave your path to revenue, while managing the concerned persons directly.
  2. Managing Market Share- Many marketing executives would not like to hear that they are not able to handle the market shares through the respective CRM but in actual, the fact is that the CRM is just helping you to manage it but not doing any help in a direct manner. In different words, it means your marketing executives are doing the required job but with the help of CRM. None of them is doing the work directly.
  3. Looking after Customer Satisfaction- No system can take your customers’ satisfaction as its top priority, it can be done only by the dedicated resources. Your CRM can surely do tasks which may help you to look after the satisfaction of your customers but it cannot do it directly. The companies putting customers’ satisfaction as their top priority are more likely to succeed in the future than the ones who take it lightly.
  4. Making Sales- It may sound like a bitter truth, but CRM cannot make sales. It might help you out with some processes of the same but not making sales directly. Hence, your sales representatives cannot be replaced by any CRM because they have a different job role to do themselves.
  5. Reach your Number- Your CRM might help you out in managing the marketing and sales process easy, but it cannot help you to hit your numbers to reach the preset goals in a sustainable manner. Your quarterly targets cannot be met by the CRM only. But what exactly can be tracked is the number of hours your team is working to achieve their goals in the future.

So, the above mentioned were a few things which cannot be done by your CRM. No matter how great your CRM is, or how wonderful it performs, there are still certain things which cannot be undertaken by your CRM system. Looking for the right CRM for your organization that can work as per your needs and interests to help you reach your goals. As Salesforce has already acquired the majority of the CRM market today, it would not be wrong to say that it is always the best option to make your online business a huge success.

In order to make the most out of your Salesforce CRM, you need the right guidance from the Salesforce Consultants so that they can help you maximize the use from the same. Looking for the best consultants in the town? No worries, we have got your back. 360 Degree Cloud is a Salesforce Registered Consulting and ISV partner which offers you a wide variety of services related to Salesforce. Try giving us a chance and see the wonders which Salesforce can do to your business.

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