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7 Signs Sales Team Shouldn’t Miss Out and Consider CTI Integration with Salesforce

Consider CTI Integration with Salesforce
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How your sales representatives interact with your customers matters a lot, irrespective of what kind of business you are in. Customer engagement would be the deciding factor of customer retention, revenue generation, and growth the company will achieve in the market. Most often, it’s the telephonic conversation that can bring in real sales. And realizing this, organizations these days consider CTI Integration with Salesforce to give the sales team the power to conduct better engagement. 

Think of a situation where a sales rep fumble while communicating with a customer or have to keep the customer waiting to redirect the call to another agent. Now these situations can frustrate a customer, which might lead to bad-mouthing your business, and that’s something you’d never want for your company. 

You need the right tools to help your sales team improve customer engagement and keep them connected with the business. With CTI integration with Salesforce, your telephony system would be integrated with Salesforce, allowing you to make quick calls with customers while having all customer details and engagement history in front of the eyes. 

Let’s start by understanding the features this integration can offer your sales team. 

Best Features of Salesforce CTI Integration for Sales Teams

For the sales team, Salesforce CTI integration can bring in real support. It helps them to simplify customer identification and track all information even before picking up the call. This ultimately helps them to deal with customers efficiently. 

These are some of the top features of the integration that could simplify the work for the sales team.

Automated Process

From call logging to call recording, processes can be fully automated, helping the sales team to cut down on manual intervention and focus more on engaging better with customers. 

Quick Calling

Agents don’t have to keep looking for details and phone numbers to dial. The integration lets them have all data at their fingertips with automated dial pads, thus making click-to-dial with Salesforce possible, saving reps time. 

Smart Tracking

From first-call resolution to dropped call percentages, Salesforce telephony integration can enable you to track insights to get an idea about different performance indicators to know how sales reps perform. 

Agent Assistance

Sales representatives would get screen pop-ups whenever attending calls, thus having every information they need to improve engagement. 

But exactly when does your sales team need to consider the integration? We’ve listed some signs that you shouldn’t miss.

Signs That Your Sales Team Should Consider CTI Integration with Salesforce

Before making any decision, it is essential to know exactly when the sales team needs to consider Salesforce CTI integration. Here we’ve mentioned some signs that the sales team shouldn’t ignore. 

1. Not able to reach more prospects

If your sales team is facing a situation when reps are just stuck with resolving issues of the existing customers and unable to reach out to new customers, then something needs to be changed. Integrating Salesforce and CTI would boost sales while enabling them to reach new target audiences. 

2. Lead conversion not improving

Your sales time might be connecting with customers on top of customers but are not able to convert any leads. It could probably be due to unsatisfied or frustrated customers who are not getting quick and suitable responses from the team. Salesforce CTI integration can be a solution to this problem. 

3. Degrading sales team productivity

Are you seeing that your sales reps’ productivity is continuously decreasing? That’s probably because of the complex and time-taking telephony and data management processes they have to handle manually due to the lack of CTI Salesforce integration.

4. Long call waiting queues

In the absence of integration, your sales team would be witnessing long queues of customers in call waiting. That will just frustrate your customers, and you might even lose some of them. No customer would want to be on waiting when they need to get some issues resolved. So, that’s where you need to have Salesforce CTI integration to engage with customers and meet their expectations quickly. 

5. No track of performance

Even if your sales reps are working hard, not being able to track their performance would just be considered walking in darkness. You need clear insights into how your sales reps perform and how many customers are satisfied by providing the right solution or service. Integrating your telephony system with Salesforce would clarify these parameters so you can always know what’s happening in your sales department. 

6. Loss of time looking for data

When customers are on call, they don’t like being on waiting or on hold, and you need to look for all the customer history so you can engage with them the right way. For a sales rep, having all the essential details in front when engaging with a customer is essential. CTI integration with Salesforce makes it possible.

7. Lack of collaboration between reps

There are times when a call rep needs to transfer the call to another rep to engage with the customer, which can take a lot of time, making the customer wait. With the integration, the process can be time-taking. But with the integration, all reps would be connected over a centralized platform, making collaboration easier.

Consider CTI Integration with Salesforce to Enhance Your Sales Team Performance

Getting your telephony system connected with your Salesforce CRM is a great way to get your sales team access to all customer data over a single platform, making it easier to connect with them over calls.

Having said all of that, if you’re still on the fence, doubtful to consider CTI integration with Salesforce, you need to talk to the best experts to get the needed clarity. Contact us and discover how Salesforce integration with CTI can get your sales game up, bringing you the results you’ve always expected. 

Salesforce implementation
Salesforce integration