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Elevate Customer Experiences: The Role of CTI Salesforce Integration in Success

Blog 28 Nov
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Any business leader would agree to the fact that customer experience is now the key differentiator for a brand’s success. The way you engage with your customers decides how long they are going to stay with the business. No customer wants to wait to get the right service or have to explain every little detail to different service representatives on different calls. CTI Salesforce integration has now made this achievable. 

It’s not just the products and solutions on which companies are competing these days. It’s the customer service too. How the team is able to manage and improve customer journeys, track details, and streamline interaction with them has become the deciding factor of customers choosing to stay with the business. 

Companies using a CRM solution are definitely one step ahead in managing customer relationships. But is it effective to manage engagement as well? That’s where the need is to fill in the gap between the CRM and telephony system, which could be removed with Salesforce CTI integration that will combine your Salesforce solution with the telephony system. 

Through this blog, we’ll try to understand the value of CTI integration with CRM in a better way, evaluating how it is beneficial for both employees and customers. 

How Salesforce CTI Integration Boosts Agent Productivity and Customer Experiences


If you are bringing your CRM solution and telephony together, it should be able to work both for agents and customers. The focus should remain on enhancing the productivity of customer service agents and improving the customer experience.

But the question is how the integration will help achieve both. Let’s move ahead to discover the answer to this question.

1. Access Telephony Features within Salesforce


Integrating Salesforce with your telephony system will enable your service team to access the potential of AI-powered features and tools. These tools will help them improve their operations, thus increasing their performance while delivering better service. 

The integration will enable the team to access features like call recording, screen pop, notes, analytics, omnichannel communication, and dashboards, giving them all the details about engagement history within Salesforce. 

For customer service agents, CTI integration is like transforming their Salesforce instance into an excellent solution for enhancing customer experience. It lets agents gather insights and track and supervise their engagement with customers, enabling them to handle all operations without leaving their org.

2. Automate Manual, Redundant Tasks


Most of the time, customer service representatives go by handling all those complex tasks manually. This is something which takes a big toll on their productivity. 

But the good news is that all that trouble could be eliminated by automating such tasks, all thanks to the integration of the telephony system with Salesforce. Tasks like note-taking, escalation, and data entry can all be automated, saving agents time to focus on other essential aspects like upselling and cross-selling opportunities. 

The integration is an effective way to automate multiple time-consuming tasks so agents can easily anchor their time and efforts on other essential tasks that could result in better sales and achieving shared business goals.

3. Use Dashboard for Tracking Agent Performance


Your service agents would be spending hours every day engaging with customers. But how would you find out how exactly they are performing and what results they are bringing in? That’s where Salesforce dashboards would play a major role. 

Essential KPIs like first-call resolution, customer satisfaction, wait times, and other metrics can all be evaluated and tracked through dashboards. Every supervisor would require a constant pulse on how the team is performing, and that’s something the dashboard would do. From real-time assistance to monitoring, supervisors and managers can access the dashboard to do it all. 

Additionally, you can also go for custom Salesforce CTI integration to achieve a more granular approach to performance tracking of agents. This will provide you access to detailed interaction statistics, thus making it easier to seamlessly track everything from a single dashboard. 

The results obtained will further help supervisors create customized training programs for agents by evaluating where they need more work.

4. Personalize Customer Engagement


Even the customers these days want to be pampered. And why not? After all, they should be at the center of every business. But being pampered doesn’t mean you have to send them flowers. It means you have to engage them in a way that they feel you really understand their pain points and care for them. That’s something you can achieve by personalizing your customer engagement. 

By CTI Salesforce integration, service agents can manage and track customer details within a single view, thus giving them easy access to insights about them. This will help them understand their customers better, thus enabling them to engage with them in the way customers expect. 

The integration allows agents to track everything about customers, like past tickets, engagement history across multiple channels, products and services preferred by customers, and more. This data will enable them to improve their engagement patterns and also give them the ability to provide personalized recommendations. 

Get Closer to Business Success with CTI Salesforce Integration


Customer demands and expectations are never constant. But for any business, it is necessary to keep track of those changing patterns and offer customers exactly what they expect. This has a major value for the customer service team, which is the frontline team of any business. 

The team should have access to all information in a single view provided the ability to connect with customers through the same platform. That’s what Salesforce integration services make possible by integrating your Salesforce solution with the telephony system. Contact us and get experienced Salesforce professionals to help you get your third-party applications integrated with your CRM.

Quiz Time

Which of these features is not related to telephony integration?

a). Call recording

b). Screen pops

c). Personalized emails

d). Call forwarding

Show Answer: c) Personalized emails


Salesforce CTI integration is helping bring the Salesforce solution and the telephony system together, enabling customer service representatives to manage all telephony operations from within Salesforce while having a combined single view of all customer data. 

We have listed here some of the main features that you can access with Salesforce CTI integration:

  • Call recording: The integration will enable reps to record calls to maintain the details of customer engagement. 
  • Screen pops: While engaging with customers, service reps would get screen pop-ups with all customer details and information related to previous engagements. 
  • Call forwarding: With this feature, the call of any customer would be redirected to the respective agent based on skill and availability. 

Other features like click-to-dial and activity tracking are also possible with the integration. 

It is the key responsibility of any customer service agent to engage with customers in an effective and personalized way. That’s something they can achieve with the help of CTI Salesforce integration. 

The integration enables service reps to have quick and easy access to customer data and previous engagement history within Salesforce. From calling to managing customer records, all the operations can be handled within Salesforce only. Thus, it will save representatives the time that they had been spending switching between systems and finding relevant customer data.

Additionally, having personalized information also allows agents to understand customer expectations and pain points in a better way. Thus, they can improve their engagement strategies accordingly. Having all the data at your fingertips enables agents to personalize their engagement approach as needed.

cti salesforce integration
salesforce cti