Using emails is one of the best approaches to marketing to your audience, nurturing leads, and improving conversions. If you are using Salesforce Lightning it is crucial to understand how to mass email effectively in business. This blog will explain how to send mass emails from Salesforce Lightning, the most common issues, and the 360 …
Electronic mail marketing is still one of the effective channels in today’s business environment as it establishes an immediate link between a business organization and the consumers. For instance, for the users of Salesforce, a frequently asked question is if Salesforce can support the sending of mass emails. This blog dives into a question providing …
For any business, emails are equally important as calls or texts. Every communication channel is important and shares a unique user base. Therefore, you cannot predict which channel can help you maximize customer responses and engagement. Consequently, it becomes essential to prepare yourself to manage business communications in the best manner, no matter the channel. …
While performing email operations, the top concern is the number of emails you can send on a daily basis. When it comes to outreach, the limited number of emails is equal to limited outreach. Another concern of marketers associated with email operations is the performance of email campaigns. Poor performance leads to low email campaign …