360 degree cloud technologies pvt. ltd.


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360 degree cloud technologies pvt. ltd.
For 2022 and beyond, we’re out to redefine CARE An turn a new leaf for human relations for all our stakeholders – employees, clients, and vendors

No mantras.
No resolutions.

What does CARE mean for you?

Let’s start with what CARE is NOT.
CARE is NOT another timesome acronym, that’s for sure.
What it is, is getting BASIC human relations rights.
This consists of doing anything to make your life as a human stakeholder or a ‘sentient’ company better:
  Better professional growth for our stakeholders
  The accessibility to help and assistance when you need it
  Making information available more accessibly
  Even better products. Even less jargon
  Looking at the MAP of your problems before pointing you in a direction
  Asking for and respecting preferences
  Going beyond the call of duty
  Resolving issues, Jumping on calls ASAP
  Making sure our teams have a life outside work
  Empowering clients to focus on what’s important
  Surveying and checking in on you often to get a better sense of the problems you face, long after the deal is over.
Better professional growth for our stakeholders
The accessibility to help and assistance when you need it
Making information available more accessibly
Even better products. Even less jargon
Looking at the MAP of your problems before pointing you in a direction
Asking for and respecting preferences
Going beyond the call of duty
Resolving issues, Jumping on calls ASAP
Making sure our teams have a life outside work
Empowering clients to focus on what’s important
Surveying and checking in on you often to get a better sense of the problems you face, long after the deal is over.
We learned that caring consistently is central to all our relations. – relations defined by humans.
As always, the team at 360 is grateful for these relations the opportunity to serve you through them. We know you have other options, so thanks for placing your trust in us. Your trust re-energizes our commitments to do better.

Together, let’s enter 2022 with CARE.
Happy New Year
Team 360