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Tips for Salesforce Project Success

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Every company sees Salesforce as a game-changing solution to improve business efficiency and speed up productivity. But that’s only possible if the Salesforce implementation project is a success. Along with setting clear goals and aligning Salesforce with business objectives, there are several tips for Salesforce project success that should be followed to implement the platform.

Numerous factors influence the success of Salesforce. Salesforce implementation services are aware of all these factors and tips for Salesforce project success.

Tips for Salesforce Project Success A Business Should Follow

A business can achieve a lot of improvement in its sales processes and productivity with successful Salesforce implementation. Here we have listed some tips for Salesforce project success that will help a business achieve its goals smoothly with Salesforce.

1. Re-design Your Lead to Opportunity Process

For a successful Salesforce project, several business processes need to be re-designed, and the Lead to Opportunity process is the most important one to focus on. Not making efforts on re-designing can result in confusion, ambiguity, ultimately Salesforce project failure.

To achieve salesforce project success, you should focus on these points to re-design your Lead to Opportunity process.

  • Convert each Lead to an Account, Contact, and Opportunity before you transfer it to a sales representative. This will help in maintaining accurate ROI metrics related to any campaign.
  • You should create pipeline dashboards and reports for early-stage opportunities. You can also consider excluding these initial opportunities from your core pipeline reports.
  • Educate your sales representatives and managers that they can qualify out from the early-stage opportunities if required.
  • You should have a feedback mechanism from Sales to Marketing teams. Review the feedback regularly to improve the process of lead generation and closure.

2. Focus on User Adoption

If users are not able to engage with the system, then no matter what functionalities it includes, the Salesforce project will not be a success. That marks the importance of user adoption to make sure the project is a success.

These are the steps that will help to achieve user and platform adoption and a successful Salesforce project:

  • Clarify the advantages of using the Salesforce system. The team should know how Salesforce is going to improve their work and increase efficiency.
  • Talk about the disadvantages of not using the system. Sales representatives should know how easier it is to do their jobs using the system than not using it. Continuing using traditional manual practices would make their work more difficult and time-taking.
  • Measure user adoption. Managing user adoption would not be possible if you can’t measure it. Collect metrics to measure user adoption among the team.
  • Manage user adoption proactively. Track metrics and use them to manage user adoption the way you would for any other topic. This will help you take remedial action with those that fall below standard in user adoption.

3. Install Right Set of Dashboards

Companies invest in Salesforce mainly to get visibility of the sales pipeline and performance.

Yet often, they end up failing to implement dashboard charts and sales reports that help gain maximum visibility of sales processes and results.

It is important to install the right set of dashboards to improve the sales process by getting:

  • Visibility of the pipeline size.
  • Information related to sales trends
  • Key metrics on the quality of the sales pipeline.

Without the dashboards providing the information, sales managers are flying blind. Visibility of all the processes is what ensures Salesforce project success.

4. Include Target Tracking

Targets are the main focus for sales representatives. There won’t be a salesperson worth the salt who doesn’t measure performance against the target every month. But quite often, the sales performance and its target are not tracked within Salesforce, which brings its usefulness down.

You should include target tracking directly into your system that will act as one of the most helpful tips for Salesforce project success. Remember that the target tracking mechanism should reflect both historical performances and future potential revenue. In other words, you should be able to compare pipeline and weighted pipeline concerning the target for next month.

5. Import Clean Data

Every business has a myriad of data related to leads, contacts, customers, current and past opportunities. Currently, this data may be in your legacy system, but to successfully move to Salesforce, you’ll have to import your data. As you import your data, you must consider cleaning it, removing any unnecessary or duplicate data.

Here we have listed some benefits of data cleaning before importing it to Salesforce.

  • It will help improve user onboarding and adoption. It will save users from entering data that already exists, eliminating chances of redundancies and duplicity.
  • User productivity and efficiency will increase. Manually entering large volumes of data and filtering it will consume a lot of time and effort, while importing clean data to Salesforce will save the team from this trouble.
  • Having all the data in one place without any redundancies will help sales and marketing teams access customer data quickly whenever needed.

Hire Experts Who Follow these Tips for Salesforce Project Success 

Organizations implement Salesforce to achieve strategic and compelling benefits for business, improving the way of generating leads and handle data. All these expectations with Salesforce would be achieved only if it is implemented successfully. 

To ensure Salesforce success, you need to consider hiring certified Salesforce experts who know their way through the platform. Contact us for any queries related to Salesforce or to know more about our services.

Salesforce implementation