What if your financial institution could anticipate your needs before you even realize them? A running trend in financial services today is the desire for proactive guidance in managing finances. A recent study highlights this, revealing that while 73% of consumers expect their financial institution to anticipate their needs, only 37% feel that their agents …
The financial services industry is definitely one of those sectors where the players have been facing a lot of difficulties in maintaining pace with the growing customer demands and expectations. Especially when it comes to wealth management, traditional strategies are continuously going in vain, thus making digitization essential. The existing challenges of wealth management faced …
These are the times of digital transformation and the insurance industry is surely in catch-up mode. New competition from insurers can be a wake-up call that your insurance business needs to focus on serving customers virtually too. Even if you aren’t updated with the technology yet, there are still many options to consider that could …
Yes, you can look into the future to build strategies for your insurance agency. And you don’t need a crystal ball for that. Predictive analytics would make it all easier for you. Almost everyone in the insurance world is talking about predictive analytics. But what is it actually? Predictive analytics helps pick up scattered pieces …
Professionals from growth-minded industries know that consumers also expect seamless transactions on whichever channel they’re using. Whether you are in wealth management, insurance, or retail banking, financial institutions always need seamless data access, and that’s something digital process automation can help with. Financial services nowadays need to enable workflow orchestration right in their CRM using …
The banking industry has completely transformed and now what matters the most is how a bank is able to deliver personal experiences to its customers and build customer trust. That’s why commercial banking institutions are now moving to Salesforce Financial Services Cloud to deliver a more cohesive and customized customer experience. Financial Services Cloud helps …