If you are a Salesforce enthusiast like us, you’d also spend your night before the new release in excitement. This year, Salesforce Summer ‘22 has brought lots of new features and enhancements to be excited about.
With each release, Salesforce brings forward some enhancements, community ideas, and brand-new features that could simplify the usability of Salesforce while improving the user experience. This year too, there are many such features that you should be excited about.
We’ve gone through many new features and enhancements from the new Salesforce release. We’ve listed here some of the top features that you must try out.
With the new release, you’ll be able to get quick access to the data that is important without having to spend unnecessary time processing it. You can now limit the rows to be returned in the tabular report, so you can instantly get exactly what you’re looking for.
It’s the time when all the Salesforce users are required to use MFA, as Salesforce mentioned in Winter ’22 release, With the summer release, MFA automatic enablement will come with some exceptions. Users who are still not using MFA would be getting a notice of six months. But, you shouldn’t wait for it and implement it right away to achieve outstanding security.
Salesforce users were always in the need of custom address fields that could work in the same way as the standard address field. That’s now possible as Summer ‘22 has brought the feature, Address as a Custom Field in beta.
The release has brought up many new features to enable picklist management. Following are some of the best of these features:
There are a few updates to Einstein as well. Some of these are:
The new release has enabled Campaign Owners to share individual campaigns manual with other users. Earlier the feature was only available in Classic. Now you can do it in Lightning as well.
You can now access a new feature, Dynamic Related Lists, to create custom related lists that you can filter to view, considering when any specific criteria are met.
The new release has brought a guided setup that will help to self-enable Person Accounts. Earlier users had to reach out to Salesforce Support to do that but now you can do this on your own.
All these new features and enhancements can take your Salesforce productivity a level up. Make sure you know and understand these features well before you start using them.
The best way to get started is by talking to our experienced Salesforce consultants who can guide you well on these features.
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